NCCOB Travel Policy

NCCOB has chosen to reimburse lodging and meals expenditures at the standard state subsistence rates outlined in section 5.2.1 of the Budget Manual or request authorization to set agency-specific rates up to the U.S. General Service Administration’s (GSA) subsistence rates. To be granted this authority, NCCOB had to attest to having implemented internal travel policies that cover, at minimum, the topics below and is published on the agency’s website.

  • Subsistence rates for lodging and meals
  • Conditions and restrictions for lodging and meals:
    • In-state and out-of-state overnight stays
    • Third-party lodging
    • Breakfast and dinner reimbursement for day travel is not offered by NCCOB
  • Conditions and restrictions for transportation:
    • Personal car, rental car, and/or agency vehicle use
    • Mileage reimbursement
  • Travel Advances are not offered by NCCOB
  • Reimbursements:
    • Documentation and submission requirements
    • Timelines


2021 NCCOB Travel Policy